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Our Journey

It’s epic and this is when the magic started..

About 6 years ago, I went through a nasty break up. Bourbon, who I once turned to for all of life‘s mysteries, began to lose its magic… I began to realize that I was evolving, even enhancing “if you will“, I was essentially “becoming a man”! My youthful infatuation with Bourbon’s “hot body” began to wean. I knew there was more out there, but I was faithful… Sure I saw the others mingling on the top shelf at the bar, “ The Johnny Walker blue’s, The Oban 25’s, and even once, I m sure I saw a Macallan 30 staring my way” but never once did I reciprocate their advances. Now, don’t get me wrong, It would be a lie to say “ I never imagined sipping from the libations of a Johnny Walker blue, or being enchanted by the sophistication & complexity of a Bunnahabhain 25, but I was with my soul mate…
Or so I thought…
A serendipitous event was about to change my life forever. It was a Monday evening in March of 2015. I began to dread the thought of going home to another hot tempered, young bodied, emotionally disconnected bourbon, which routinely ended with an all out physical assault on my tongue, throat and esophagus. (Inevitably this would always lead to me guzzling a glass of Alka-Seltzer Infused water to better “manage” the evening’s painful aftermath). I was tired of pretending that I was interested… there was no real substance to this “bourbon Bombshell”, I was ready for true connection, A deep intellectually stimulating, thought provoking, sophisticated, well balanced libatious encounter and tonight had to be that night ! I headed straight to the bar where I’ve seen the scotch gals hanging out in the upper echelon‘s of the shelves hierarchy. I entered the pub exuding confidence and testosterone. I could smell the pheromones of these highly sophisticated ladies perched high upon the shelf, they were ready to get it on, and so was I. Then, as I approach the bar, I was taken back for a second… I can sense that there was another highly confident, testosterone exuding alpha male in my presence. Was there about to be an epic battle take place, or a beautiful kinship form…? I knew I had to proceed with caution. As I approach the bar I can feel the combined testosterone of both alpha males becoming too much for the common peasant. Many week bourbon drinking men fell away from the bar as I approached… The bartender braced himself as he was witnessing a once in a millennium type event take place. I sat down next to this individual, it was like looking into a mirror of manliness… He gave the nod, with a “what’s up man”. I nodded back, it was as if two lions were circling sniffing each other‘s tails… he looked to the bartender as if he was looking at Johnny Walker blue’s pimp and said , “Bring down two of the lovely ladies form the top shelf for me and the gentleman”. Zing! A beautiful kinship organically burst into existence ! The bartender escorted these 2 lovely ladies our way. I could smell the depth of their complexity from halfway across the bar as they approached. (In that moment I’m almost positive I heard Angels singing). The magic was back!!! And an epic friendship born!

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